(Ghawth al-Alam Mehboob-e-Yazdani Hazrat Mir Auhad’uddin
Sultan Saiyed Makhdoom Ashraf Jahangir Semnani r.d.) |
AalaHazrat Syed
Shabbir Ashraf(R.A)
Hafiz-e-Millat Quari Saiyed Shabbir Ashraf - Ashrafi Jilani Kichhouchvi (R.A.)
Family background and genealogy :-
His genealogy transmits from 36th
ancestors to Holy Prophet. And his genealogy transmits from 23th ancestors to
Ghawth al-A'zam Hazrat Shaykh Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani Radi 'Allahu ta'ala anhu,
who distributed the blessings and spirituality to the four corners of the
world, And also his genealogy transmits from ancestors to Hazrat Makhdoom
Sultan Saiyed Ashraf Jhangir Simnani Rehmatullahi alaih.
Name :-
Aala-Hazrat Hafiz-e-Millat Saiyed Shabbir Ashraf - Ashrafi Jilani
Father :-
Sirajusalikin Hazrat Allama Maulana Saiyed Safder Husain Ashraf Ashrafi Jilani
Huzrat Hafiz-e-Millat Quari Saiyed Shabbir Ashraf - Ashrafi Jilani were
the another famous personality of Ashrafi family who were born in Kichhouchha
Sharif – U.P –(India) This is same city which has track record of
producing great spiritual leader due to faizan( Grace) of Huzur Saiyed Makhdoom
Ashraf Jahangir Simnani ( R.A).
History and Education :-
Huzrat Hafiz-e-Millat was the only Hafiz and Quari after Huzur Sultan Saiyed
Makhdoom Ashraf Jahangir Simnani (R.A) and Huzrat Abd'al Razzaq Noor
al-Ayn (R.A). They were become hafiz at early age of 11 year, this was a
faizan(Grace) of Huzur Ashraf Jahangir Simnani( R.A) and completed the
Quirate-e- Saba( Reading Quran in 7 different ascent) at the same age.
It is a fact that character is the most important
factor in the formation of personality without which it looks hallow and of no
importance. Huzrat Hafiz-e-Millat is endowed with sound and refined character
and attractive behavior. His purity of character has ingredients of kind,
humbleness, obedience to elders, kindness on youngsters, hospitability and
sincerity. He has a soft corner in his heart for needy and helpless.
Hafiz-e-Millat's First Lecture :-
Huzrat Hafiz-e-Millat delivered his first lecture at the age of 6 years. It was
during the glorious month of Ramadan Huzrat Hafiz-e-Millat) stood on the Minbar
(Pulpit) and delivered a lecture before a very large gathering which also
consisted of Ulema. His lecture lasted for approximately 2 hours. A'la Hadrat
spoke on the Taravih (Special prayer in the month of Ramadan) and grace of
Ramadan. He brightened the hearts of the listeners with the love of Holy
Prophet Mohammed (SAW). The people listening were thoroughly impressed by the
maturity and eloquence of this lecture which was being delivered by a 6 year old
Intelligence as a Child :-
When he was 8 years old, Huzrat Hafiz-e-Millat wrote a Mas'ala concerning
Fara'idh (Fards). When his father looked at the answer, he happily remarked,
"If only some adult could answer in this manner." At the age of 10, when he was studying the Holy Quran with Quirat-e-saba (
Reading Quran in 7 different ascent)" under the guidance of his father, he
noticed a few objections and answers of his father on the side of the page.
Huzrat Hafiz-e-Millat studied Holy Quran carefully
and wrote such a well- explained footnote that even the need for an objection
was ruled out. His father came across his the way of Study on that objection.
He was so delighted that he stood up and held the young Huzrat Hafiz-e-Millat
to his heart and said, "Shabbir Ashraf! You do not learn from me, but you
teach me." I have Listen one friend of Huzrat Hafiz-e-Millat ( Hafiz Quari
Mohammed Ramzan Sahib Kichhouchvi said: "Allamah Huzrat Huzrat
Hafiz-e-Millat were among the outstanding scholars.
His deep
learning, intelligence, vision and acumen, surpassed that of great contemporary
thinkers, professors, renowned scholars and orientalist. Indeed, there is
hardly any branch of learning that is foreign to him." When he was 11
years old, Huzrat Hafiz-e-Millat was the only Hafiz and Quari after Huzur
Sultan Saiyed Makhdoom Ashraf Jahangir Simnani (R.A) and Huzrat Abd'al
Razzaq Noor al-Ayn (R.A). They were become hafiz at early age of 11 year,
this was a faizan(Grace) of Huzur Ashraf Jahangir Simnani( R.A) and completed
the Quirate-e- Saba( Reading Quran in 7 different ascent) at the same age.
by Mohaddis-e-Azam ( R.A.) :-
Huzrat Hafiz-e-Millat is greatly recognized by huzrat Mhaddis-e-Azam Kichochvi,
due to the inner talent and gracefulness. The childhood of Huzrat
Hafiz-e-Millat was very different then any others of Ashrafi family. He was a
very talented and sharp even from the childhood. As said earlier they become hafiz at the very early age of 11 years. One of the
great pleasure and instance in the life of Huzrat Hafiz-e-Millat, in the month
of Ramadan while Travih( Night prayer in the month of Ramadan) this
prayer was undertaken in the presence of great personalities such as Alahazrat
Saiyed Ali Husain Ashrafi Jilani, Shaikhul Islam of that time, and many great
Ashrafi Ulumas, Huzrat Hafiz-e-Millat were asked to do Imamat( lead the
prayer) of Travih(( Night prayer in the month of Ramadan). Mhaddis-e-Azam Kichochvi (R.A) were so impressed with the talent, characters
and personality of Huzrat Hafiz-e-Millat, that they proudly announced the
engagement and marriage of Huzrat Hafiz-e-Millat with their beloved daughter
Makhdooma Saiyda Mohammdi Iqbal Banu.
Huzrat Hafiz-e-Millat :-
Huzrat Hafiz-e-Millat left this world at a very early age, when Huzur
Sufi-e-Milat were of age 12 days. Even though they left this world at
earlier age, they had so many dreams on education and Muslim community
development. As a part their dream accomplishment now we can see so many
educational institutes formed on their name. To list few of the education institutes are on their names are:
- Aljamiatul-Shabbirya Ashrafiya trust.
- Aljamiatul-Shabbirya Ashrafiya Darul Quirat
- Aljamiatul-Shabbirya Ashraful-oloom
There are still many accomplishments which are
in progress under the name of Huzrat Hafiz-e-Millat. As per their dream these
institutes were for education and development of poor and needy Muslims.
Huzrat Hafiz-e-Millat Rehmatullahi alaih finally left this world on 12
Rabiul-Auwal (9 June 1936). His dargah (shrine) is situated in near by the
dargah(shrine) of Huzrat Sultan Saiyed Makhdoom Ashraf Jahangir Radi Allahu
'Anhu in Kicchocha Shareef. May Almighty Allah shower his choicest blessings upon the
Mazaar-e-Anwaar(Shrine) of this great Saint of Islam.